Document 0782 DOCN M94B0782 TI Analysis of strand transfer synthesis by reverse transcriptases. DT 9412 AU Buiser RG; Univ. of Rochester SO Diss Abstr Int [B]; 54(7):3597 1994. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICDB/94605826 AB Models of retrovirus replication require the viral reverse transcriptase (RT) to catalyze two distinct strand transfer reactions. In this process, an RNA primer is elongated on one template and then transferred to another template for additional elongation. It is thought that the RT ribonuclease H (RNase H) activity is involved in both transfer reactions. The properties of reverse transcriptases required for strand transfer synthesis have been examined using poly(rA) as a model substrate. In this system, strand transfer is observed by the appearance of products much longer than the templates used to generate them. RTs from human immunodeficiency (HIV), avian myeloblastosis (AMV), and murine leukemia (MuLV) viruses differ in molecular mass and subunit composition. However, they all catalyze strand transfer synthesis on poly(rA)300, generating characteristically long products. An RNase H deficient enzyme, HIV-RT(RD,) catalyzed strand transfer synthesis to the same degree as native HIV-RT, indicating that a functional RNase H activity is not required for this process. Additionally, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), which inhibits RNase H but not polymerase activity of HIV-RT, did not diminish strand transfer synthesis. Highly processive DNA synthesis by each RT was found to be a requirement for the strand transfer reaction. Catalysis of strand transfer synthesis is not a property of all DNA polymerases, since the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I is unable to catalyze this reaction. These results suggest that strand transfer synthesis relies on an unidentified functional activity present in RTs. The ability of RTs to catalyze strand transfer, or template switching, from internal regions of RNA templates has also been examined. To study this phenomenon, a system of donor and acceptor templates was employed in which homologous strand transfer can occur from a homopolymeric sequence positioned internally on the donor template. Our results indicate that HIV-, AMV-, and MuLV-RTs are all able to catalyze strand transfer from this internal homopolymeric sequence. Catalysis of this reaction is not dependent upon RNase H activity, since HIV-RT(RD) is able to catalyze the reaction efficiently. Additionally, NEM did not inhibit strand transfer by either the native or RNase H deficient forms of HIV-RT. Our data further indicate that template switching may be promoted by RT pausing at a specific site on the donor template. Conditions that increase RT pausing at this site also increase template switching. These results suggest that transient RT pausing at specific sites on the viral genome during reverse transcription may promote strand transfers that in turn lead to recombination. (Full text available from University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, MI, as Order No. AAD93-34491) DE DNA Polymerase I/GENETICS Ethylmaleimide/PHARMACOLOGY *Reverse Transcriptase/*GENETICS Ribonucleases/*GENETICS THESIS SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).